Anadolu Koleji Yabancı Diller
It was a warm spring day in Kırıkhan, which is a beautiful town of Hatay in the South of Turkey. The principal of the school where I had been working as a teacher of English called me to his
Il était une fois une petite fille qui s’appelait Alya qui déménagea en Turquie avec toute sa famille. Quand ils sont arrivés, c’était un peu vie
Hi my dear Turkish readers!!! I am a foreigner in Turkey fo
Er was eens een jongen en zijn naam was Pieter. Hij verveelde zich, want hij vond het saai thuis. Toen besloot hij het bos in te lopen. İneens hoorde hij een geluid, grrrr&hel
It was so dark, but this was my chance because they forgot to close the door. I quickly ran outside and tried to run as far away as I could. I couldn't remember the last time I was outside. I felt so
Efe has a math exam on Sunday. The time is 00:00 at night and Efe is watching TV. Efe looks at the date and today is Saturday. Efe studies for the math exam until 2am. Then he
Il était une fois un roi très riche. Mais ce roi était très malheureux. Même s'il a essayé très fort il ne pourrait jamais être heureux.
Es gab einmal ein sehr alleiner Mann der keine Freunde hatte und jeden Tag fischen ging. Er angelte in einem Damm 2 km entfernt von seinem Haus. Jeden Tag fing er durchschnittlich 2-3 Fische. Seine Fr
"..Ah, it's always like this.". I say, as I carefully placed an emptied cup of tea on the table. My eyes were fixed on what I could see through the window of my living room: an incredibly heav
To say about the beauty of Zehra. She was a beautiful girl with long Brown hair and blue eyes. She loved the necklace she bought for her Zehra: -Thank you very nice necklace. At that time, Zehra wa
Det var en helt almindelig dag. Jeg var i skole og da jeg kom hjem var ingen hjemme. Jeg lagde skoletasken på værelset og tog straks computeren op og begyndt
When the young woman saw what was coming from the window, her heart began to beat fast. Here the doorbell was ringing. She stood up but leaned forward not towards the door , but towards her baby